School lift for Mia

Praha a okolí / Organizer: Nadační fond pomoci zc.icomopfn@ofni

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School lift for Mia

Amount raised 80 354 Kč of 3 000 000 Kč goal
Left 124 days
3 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 28. February 2025

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An Elevator for School (Not Just) for Mia

Did you know that some children struggle to find a primary school simply because they use a wheelchair? And yet, there are so many people who could benefit from an elevator. It’s not just students, but also other children or teachers recovering from injuries or dealing with mobility challenges, school visitors, parents, and even voters. Accessibility in schools is an issue that could impact all of us at some point.

My name is Jindra Landová, and I decided to take action because there is no fully accessible school near where we live. I have a daughter, Mia, who has been diagnosed with muscular dystrophy.

She’s just like any other kid, but with weaker muscles, so she uses a wheelchair or, as she likes to call it, her “cool” electric cart. To get her into her local school, we had to call in a team of people to carry her. 😊

Over the past 30 years in the Czech Republic, people seem to have forgotten that children with disabilities are no longer shut away in institutions but are part of the general population.

It might surprise you, but finding a barrier-free school is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, for children in wheelchairs. These are often smart, empathetic, and thoughtful kids, yet they fall out of the school system, where they belong as much as any other child.

My daughter attends a great primary school, but it only has the lower grades. Next school year, she needs to transfer to a different primary school. Our local school is eager to welcome her, but unfortunately, it is completely inaccessible, and there is no budget for an elevator.

With our packed schedule, which includes school, therapy sessions, and doctor’s visits, we would love for Mia to attend her local school. But what can we do when the elevator – the most sustainable, efficient, and practical solution – is out of the school's budget?

We decided to reach out to the public.

How can you help? Let’s help Mia attend her local school!

Let’s also help other children and adults with mobility issues – whether they are parents, school staff, or visitors – who shouldn’t have to beg for assistance at the school gates or, worse, be turned away. Elevators are for everyone.

Let’s start talking to politicians about this issue too. A country’s treatment of its most vulnerable citizens is a true reflection of its values.

We have adapted our lives to Mia’s diagnosis. We’re doing everything we can to give her the same opportunities for education as any other child. The professional estimate for a custom-made fire safety elevator is 3 million CZK.

Unfortunately, public pressure on this issue is still very low. Let’s change that together. Thanks to your support, barrier-free schools and other institutions can become the norm. According to some statistics, 40 % of schools in the Czech Republic are accessible, but in our experience, not everything considered “accessible” truly is.

We would be incredibly grateful if you could support this fundraising campaign. Together, we can spark a big change that will help break down barriers and ensure that children like Mia can be fully integrated members of society. Mia may not have strong muscles, but she’s a smart girl who will one day earn a living with her brain. Our daughter is an inspiration to many people; despite her young age, she’s already accomplished so much. She brings light wherever she goes. The only thing standing in her way right now is a flight of stairs. And we can’t afford to hire a team to carry her every day. An elevator would be much more practical.

106 donations

400 Kč — Anonymous donor about an hour ago

“Drzime palce”
100 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 day ago

1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 day ago

“Normálně vzkazy nepíšu, ale jelikož vím, Jindro, že to čteš, tak píšu a strašně moc držím palce. Věřím, že to dáme! Katka”
500 Kč — Katka 1 day ago

1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 day ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 day ago

209 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 day ago

“V lidech je jeste porad hafo dobra a vytahy se urcite povedou🍀🥰”
200 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 days ago

500 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 days ago

“Držíme palce ;) týká se to nás všech ! Jste lvice ❤️”
373 Kč — Hrďousové 2 days ago